On Void Trust& Contemplation from the perspective of Comparative Trust Law Comparison of the oral mucosal flora between the denture-bearing and non-denture-bearing areas of metalic bases 无效信托论&来自信托比较法角度的审视金属基托承托区与非承托区口腔粘膜菌丛比较
Saman and Its Cultures Continued Orally; Comparison of the oral mucosal flora between the denture-bearing and non-denture-bearing areas of metalic bases 萨满与口承文化&萨满文化在口承史诗中的遗存金属基托承托区与非承托区口腔粘膜菌丛比较
CONCLUSION: Our results support that the P.nigrescens is part of normal oral flora, not periodontal pathogen. 结论:变黑普里沃菌作为可疑的牙周致病菌证据尚不充分。
Comparison of the oral mucosal flora between the denture-bearing and non-denture-bearing areas of metalic bases 金属基托承托区与非承托区口腔粘膜菌丛比较
To study the effect of Qihuang oral liquid ( QHOL) in treating enteric flora disturbance and serum endotoxin level of liver cirrhosis patients. 目的:研究芪黄口服液对肝硬化患者肠道菌群紊乱疗效及血浆内毒素水平的影响。
Effect of oral administration of le-fu-kang capsulac on human intestinal flora 口服乐腹康胶囊活菌制剂对人体肠道菌群的影响
The discovery of the oral flora a 300 year retrospective(ⅱ) 口腔菌丛的发现&三百年的回顾(二)
Oral microbial flora: role in the infectivity of HIV 人口腔菌群在HIV传染中的作用研究
The Distribution of Normal Oral Flora in 49 Healthy Children and Juvenile 49例健康儿童和青少年正常口腔菌群的分布
Observation on oral cavity flora and pathology of animal test models with periodontium for Wistar rats Wistar大鼠牙周炎动物模型口腔菌群及病理观察
The effect of ceramometal bridge on the local oral flora 金瓷桥对口腔局部细菌的影响
Research on the Oral Normal Flora of Healthy Teenagers 健康青少年口腔正常菌群的初步研究
The presence of some microbial antigens/ mitogens associated with certain oral flora in HIV-positive individuals may be a mediating factor in the potential oral transmission of HIV to an uninfected individual. HIV患者口腔中的某些微生物性抗原或有丝分裂原可能是HIV经口传播的一个介导因素。